3 types of tea bags + cup set with lid
305ccふた付き耐熱グラス&グラススリーブ / 合計3ティーバッグ / 古式緑茶 、焙煎茶 レモングラス、薪火晩茶 / 化粧箱入り
305ccふた付き耐熱グラス&グラススリーブ / 合計3ティーバッグ / 古式緑茶 、焙煎茶 レモングラス、薪火晩茶 / 化粧箱入り
A set of 3 types of tea bags and a cup with a lid (with a sleeve) in a vanity case.
EN TEA is a cup set prepared for you to efficiently extract tea with a tea bag and drink it easily.
A cup of heat-resistant glass, a lid, and a sleeve are included in the set, and the lid can also be used as a storage place for tea bags after extraction, so it is very convenient when drinking with the second and third brews. is.
EN TEA A sleeve is also included so that you can hold it in your hand even if the glass gets hot, according to the basic extraction (250 ml of hot water).
A set of 3 individually wrapped tea bags of 3 types is recommended as a gift for loved ones.
"Tea leaves"
Pot roasted tea Brown rice tea bag 1 piece
Roasted tea Lemon glass tea bag 1 Pieces
Wood-fired evening tea tea bag 1 piece
* One tea bag will be individually packaged
"Cup set"
■ Cup (heat-resistant glass)
Diameter: 7.4cm
Height: 8cm
Capacity: 305ml
Precautions for using heat-resistant glass
* External site (BOROSIL VISION GLASS)
■ Lid
Made of soda glass
* Not heat resistant
* There are individual differences
* Cannot be sealed
■ Sleeve