
EN TEA RECIPE # 004 "Sake Tea"

A recipe for tea leaves that you can enjoy at home.
EN TEA tea leaves We are confident that we can experience "delicious" and "fun" in our daily lives. Introducing the arrangement recipe of.

"Sake Tea" is made with just one twist on the usual sake.
A 10-minute walk from Ebisu, Tokyo, a famous sake store " GEM by moto " Using sake and tea leaves devised by Marie Chiba This is a recipe.
By extracting red roasted tea with sake, the sweetness of rice and tea leaves is complemented, giving the impression of being slightly fruity and easy to drink.

[Cooking time: about 10 minutes]

■ Ingredients
Sake: Ichigo * Gentle liquor of pure rice with a mild aroma is recommended
Red roasted tea : 1 tea bag

■ Procedure
1) Boil hot water in a pot so that the mug is soaked up to the shoulders over high heat
2) Turn off the heat when it boils

3) Put a cup of sake at room temperature in a mug and heat it in a pot for 3 minutes
* For sake that has been chilled in the refrigerator, 4 minutes

4) Remove the mug from the pot and insert the tea bag

5) After extraction for 30 seconds, take out the tea bag

6) Completion

■ EN TEA tea leaves used in this recipe

Red roasted tea tea bag

[WEB only] Red roasted tea tea bag 30 pieces