EN TEAの玉緑茶を使用したアイスクリーム『FRAGLACE Tea』発売

Released ice cream "FRAGLACE Tea" using EN TEA's Tamaryokucha

Wed, May 23, 18

The scented ice cream FRAGLACE has released the ice cream "FRAGLACE Tea" using EN TEA's Tamaryokucha.
Tea, a scented tea ice cream that maximizes the original aroma.
The tea leaves, which are a unique blend of varieties for FRAGLACE, were made into ice cream with the recipe of Mr. Koji Tamura, who was a chef at the famous platinum store "TIRPSE".
The umami and aroma of the tea itself. And color. In order to maximize the potential of tea, we do not add any extra things such as coloring and flavoring. Please enjoy the fragrance that was born after you drew it thoroughly.


Press release is here